Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Day #41 Monday

Today is the graduation day. Before the ceremony, me baohui followed Mr Wee to the massage place. Bh wanted to buy the fire bottle for her mother. I accompanied her to the shop as I also wanted to get my PM shirt from Hua Luo Li, which is quite convinient to go if I'm making a loop.

Upon reaching the shop, I found that they brought me a wrong design. I wanted to buy a big stripe but they got me a small 1. So, I rejected the offer and asked for changes. They told me that they will get me another one.

Before we actually left for the massage place together, I actually woke up at 8am to online and Mr Wee asked me to prepare a speech for the ceremony. As the notice was made official verbally, I then started to work on my speech. So, I spent 30 minutes working on the draftbefore going out and another 1 hour to process the speech after we came back.

On the way back, we saw Jw and E were doing survey with local students at the basketball court. That was so unexpected. Eileen was underdressed and I told her about it. I hope she understands what I trying to tell her. At least, please try to dress properly to show some respect to the people you going to survey, right?

The closing ceremony was at 2pm. I didn't expect the ceremony to be like that. A conference room, everyone sitting down, no stage, no mic. As I prepared my speech in the way like "standing on a stage, using a mic and talking to a mass of 20 people + lecturers", I modified my speech a little bit and skipped some sentences. I also have to remember all the directors, professors and lecturers name, as that was my first time to meet them, and all due respect, I have to greet them first in my speech.

This was my speech for the day (full-length, complete, uncompressed).

李书记,张教授,石教授,Andy老师,张老师,汪老师,Mr Wee,各位同学们,大家好。我姓黄,名叫家富。在这里,我谨代表义安理工学院20位学生致结业感言。





我们在武汉上了 Project Management, 上了有关中国文化,经济,历史的科目。这些课都让我们增广见闻,开拓视野。






我还想代表我们20学生, 因为在这40多天里对武职校方造成的不便向武职道歉。我们的喧哗在夜深人静的夜晚的确影响了附近其他人的休息。






After the ceremony, we had an appointment with Teppanyaki boss to eat at her restaurant. Enjoyed our meal, and she topped up with noodles, small lobsters, and goose livers. Free of charge. Ehem...

After the teppanyaki meal, we cab to Chicony to have another dinner with Mr Wee. It was in a big restaurant and the food was nice. Too bad and we're sorry and guilty that couldn't eat much because we ate too much in the teppanyaki place. :(

Cabbed home and started the actual packing exercise. Eileen came and seek for help as she doesn't know how to pack her bag. Ahaa. Everyone was so worried about having overweight luggage! The maximum we can take is 30kg. Some of their bag is so much larger than mine!

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